John Green is considered by most to a leading figure in the field of Bigfoot and Sasquatch research. Green began his research in 1957 and has since worked with such notable figures as Tom Slick, Rene Dahinden and Bob Titmus. He has published several monographs that became the standard references for the Canadian cryptid and wrote the classic book on the North American Subject, Sasquatch: The Ape Among Us.
Green has chronicled some of the most famous Bigfoot cases ever reported and has collected well over 2000 individual sightings since he began recording them. He has also documented and collected several hundred incidents of giant footprints. John Green continues to speak at Bigfoot conferences, including a 2003 International Bigfoot Symposium were he presented a large report on the hairy creature.
Quick Info: (where applicable)
Date of Birth: 1927
Birthplace: Vancouver, British Columbia
Current Location:
• Sasquatch: The Apes Among Us (1978)
Schooling and/or Degrees:
• Masters Degree in Journalism – Columbia University
Organizations: NA