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Located in China’s Jilin Province, near the border of North Korea, is a large water filled caldera atop the volcanic Baekdu Mountain known as Lake Tianchi, more commonly known by locals as Heavenly Lake. Situated roughly 6,000 feet above sea level, with an average depth of 180 feet and an estimated maximum depth of almost 1,200 feet, this unique, glacier filled volcanic crater is the reported home of a strange creature which has become known as the Heavenly Lake Monster.

The creature is usually described as a large grayish black animal, approximately 30 feet in length with a horse or dog like head, however some accounts have included more reptilian like features in their descriptions.

The first documented sighting of the Heavenly Lake Monster was reported by Jilin Province Weather Report Department staff member, Chou Fon Yin, who was visiting the lake in 1968 when suddenly a wave emerged from the northeastern side, out of which rose two black points. Chou used his binoculars to get a closer look at the commotion when he realized that the two black spots were two large creatures swimming side by side. He described the two animals as a black and gray in color with very dog like heads that where moving in and out of the water, the wake left by the creatures was roughly 21 feet long.

Although hundreds of tourists have seemingly witnessed the Heavenly Lake Monster one sighting seems the stand out above the rest. On July 24, 1994 a group of over 40 tourists, including a Japanese university professor who wished to remain nameless, all claimed to have watched, and photographed, the Heavenly Lake Monster as it apparently frolicked on the waters surface for nearly 30 minutes.

When asked by a local reporter if what they had seen could have been some form of floating debris the Japanese professor stated that what they saw could never have been a floating rock or debris, it swam, moved up and down and also made turns that only a living creature could make.

Around that same time a Chinese State Media report quoted a sightseer by the name of Meng Fanying who swore the he watched the creature leap repeatedly from the water, in a seal like fashion, a mere 30 feet off shore.

On July 11, 2005, the China Daily reported the story of a 52 year old man named Zheng Changchun, his daughter and his son in law who claimed to have seen, photographed and video taped the Heavenly Lake Monster. Zheng reportedly saw a strange, black object emerging from the water and wasted no time in grabbing his video recorder.

In his statement to the China Daily Zheng stated that the head of the creature was about the same size as an adult ox’s, he also noticed that every time the creatures head was above water it was proceeded by huge ripples, suggesting that the rest of the creature was huge.

Scientists who do not believe the Heavenly Lake Monster exists often point out that due to the area’s geographic history and recent volcanic eruptions, the last being only about 300 years ago, Heavenly Lake should be uninhabited by any large animal. Also a creature the size of the Heavenly Lake Monster would require a substantial amount of animal and plant life to sustain its self, let alone a healthy breading population. However there are still those who believe that the creature may have found its way into the volcanic crater lake some time after it turbulent past.

The Evidence
Although there are some photos and videos of what witnesses claim to be the Heavenly Lake Monster there remains no physical evidence to support its existence.

The Sightings
In 1968, Jilin Province Weather Report Department staff member, Chou Fon Yin, was visiting the lake when suddenly a wave emerged from the northeastern side, out of which rose two black points. Chou used his binoculars to get a closer look at the commotion when realized that the two black points were actually two large creatures swimming side by side.

On July 24, 1994 a group of over 40 tourists, including a Japanese university professor who wished to remain nameless, all claimed to have watched and photographed the Heavenly Lake Monster as it apparently frolicked on the waters surface for nearly 30 minutes.

In 1994, a Chinese State Media report quoted a sightseer by the name of Meng Fanying who swore the he watched the creature leap repeatedly from the water, in a seal like fashion, a mere 30 feet off shore.

On July 11, 2005, the China Daily reported the story of a 52 year old man named Zheng Changchun, his daughter and his son in law who claimed to have seen, photographed and video taped the Heavenly Lake Monster.

The Stats – (Where applicable)

• Classification: Lake Monster
• Size: 30 feet in length
• Weight: Unknown
• Diet: Unknown
• Location: Heavenly Lake, China
• Movement: Swimming
• Environment: Caldera Lake