The Centicore, also referred to as the Yale, Jall or Eale, is yet another unique quadruped said to stalk the ancient world. First chronicled by PLINY THE ELDER sometime during the 7th century AD., the Centicore was often described as being black or tawny in color, approximately the size of a hippopotamus, processing a lion like chest and a boar like jaw structure.
The Centicore came equipped with two mighty horns which grew out of the creature’s skull similar to that of a bull. It was said that when the Centicore would do battle the beast’s horns would rotate in such a way that one would point forward and the other backwards, this was so that if the Centicore damaged a horn in battle it could rotate the undamaged horn into position and still be able to fight. Some researchers have suggested that the moving horns where not used in battle but rather where a symbol of the creature’s mood. Much like the rest of its ilk, this animal was feared for its aggressive nature, and was said to impale its victims with the use of its oscillating horns.
Reports of these animals may have stemmed from the legend of the Calydonian Boar, one of a genre of chthonic monsters in Greek mythology, each set in a specific locale, which must be overcome by heroes of the Olympian age. The Calydonian Boar was said to have been sent by Artemis to ravage the region of Calydon in Aetolia, it met its end in the Calydonian Hunt, in which all the heroes of the new age pressed to take part.
Some researchers believe that the legend of the Centicore was the result of an encounter with a thawing Mastodon carcass. Seeing that carcass of such a large unknown creature could very easily have given rise to tales of the Centicore, especially if that corpse had settled in a way in which the horns faced opposite directions. That being said, there is a small handful of experts who insist that the Centicore was a unique European predator that has since become extinct.
The Evidence
There remains no physical evidence of the Centicore, we only know of such a creature through ancient bestiaries and medieval heraldic art.
The Sightings
No sightings of the Centicore have been reported in modern times.
The Stats – (Where applicable)
• Classification: Hybrid
• Size: Similar to that of a large horse or average hippopotamus.
• Weight: With a size similar to an average Hippopotamus, the Centicore, whose weight was never documented, must have been very heavy.
• Diet: The Centicore was reported to be carnivorous, impaling its prey upon its horns
• Location: France
• Movement: Walking
• Environment: Reported to have roamed all over France.